Saturday, September 13, 2008


Work just keeps getting better. Yesterday, all the important people had a meeting: Keith, the center supervisors, and Beka. I guess it was announced yesterday that I was the lead tutor at Highlands Renton, because when I walked in Downtown Renton today Jeneane (the supervisor there) said, "So I heard you were the Lead tutor at Highlands." Haha, so I guess it's official now.

I'm also going to be working at Downtown Renton on Saturdays now. That's about 5 hours. 9:30 to about 2:30, give or take. I'll get off early enough and still have time to play. :)

I had one girl today who didn't like me. I was helping her with subtraction with borrowing. She didn't like me helping her because after a while she started covering up her work with her hand. I was just trying to help... especially since she's having problems with it. I guess she'll have to keep doing subtraction (because we don't move them on until they master whatever skill they are working on, in this case subtraction) until she humbles herself enough to accept help or she figures out technique that works for her with subtraction... which, may I point out, is part of our job to help her figure out?

I had another girl that brought in a math quiz that she bombed. She's 9th or 10th grade taking an algebra class. I found out that I did not forget the math I learned in HS or Jr College, about 7 to 10 years ago. I was happy about that and happy to help her. :) Math is one of the best subjects ever.

I'm going to try to go the the singles group tomorrow at church, then it's off to Jen's for a day of fun.

1 comment:

running g said...

yeay math!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!