To above is a picture of my nephew. He's pretty much the cutest baby I've ever met. Though there are a few who fall close to second. He is sticking out his tough. :P And his shirt says, "I get my good looks from my dad".
Anyway, her house was fun. Amy's sister was visiting from Wenatchee with her husband and 5 children. Yes, 5. They are named Jen and Scott, and their children: Nolan 9, Emma 7, Mia 5, Titus 3, and Nadia, turning 1 in 9 days. Jen and Scott are awesome. They want me to come visit them. Nolan is... well 9. Doing 9 year old boy things. Computers, etc. Good kid. Emma's a good kid too. Didn't get to spend much time with her though. Mia was hilarious. She would quiz me on stuff. "What were her parent's names? What were all the kid's names? How old where they?... How did I know all of it!? Did I hold so-in-so when they were a baby? Did I hold Nadia... when not 5 mins before she asked, I was holding her..." Yes, she was fun. :) Titus was also fun. He had a race car that if you shook it up then put it on the floor, it was race across the floor. We played that game for probably a half an hour. He would repeat himself a lot. He's cute. :) And Nadia. She's so cute. (Not as cute as Gavyn :P) She's crawling, but not very fast. Barely standing. Pretty verbal. Yeah, very cute. :)
Monday, I was invited to go with the whole family to Port Townsand. There we ate lunch, walked around the small town, browsing in and out of shops. Then, Nolan, Emma and Mia went to the beach with Scott, while Amy, Mrs T, Mr T, Jen, Nadia, Titus and I stayed back at one of the play areas and watched Titus play around while us girl chatted it up. Mr T was being a good citizen and picked up trash. We headed back to their house... Played around, ate dinner, and assist Amy on the computer, until I decided I should leave to go back to Seattle... I had an appointment at 11am on Tuesday.
To make this post even longer, I'm going to tell you a little bit about Mr T, Amy's dad. He's pretty awesome. Pretty much every time I come over, I get a car wash. This time... see I've been missing a hub cap (front passenger side) for about 2 years now. He's been telling me to tell my dad to get one for me. I've told my dad many times, but he's always forgotten. I love my dad. :) Anyway, Mr. T, apparently getting more frustrated about it than I, just ups and buys one for me. Didn't tell me about it. Just puts it on for me to find... whenever... which was when I got back to Seattle. He also checked my oil and made sure all my lights were working. A personal mechanic? I think he does all these random acts of kindness in appreciation to me for being such a good friend to Amy.
I have other news, but it'll have to wait until another post. :)
Wow your nephew is KEY-UTE! Look at those eyes!
The Miller eyes! :)
Can we hear the other news now?
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