Wednesday, April 23, 2008

what's new...

Well, I've seem to have forgotten about my blog. That partly has to do with that I don't have a lot to say... but really, that's a lie. I just don't know how to say what I want to say. There are so many questions that need to be answered... it's how to answer them is the problem.

The major thing that I'm struggling with is getting a job. I want a job... but I fear the independence. I fear me not being able to support myself. I'm afraid of making the wrong decision. I'm afraid of getting in a situation that I can't get out of. These are all paralyzing me. I'm not moving or growing. I want to move. I want to grow. I want a job... The question is how do I set aside my anxiety?

In other news... Erin is staying with me this week. I've been the most active this week than I have in along time. It's been good for me. We've walked around greenlake, hung out with some people, watch a few movies, ate with some people, walked around ballard, went to see the tulips, went to bellingham, and went to whidbey island. All have been fun but my most favorite was today, the whidbey island trip. We drove around the island, ate at this cute little farm house place. Drove some more to oak harbor. Then we heading off to deception pass. There we sat looking at this wonderful scenic view for about 3 hours. The sun was out... there was great conversation. Neither one of us wanted to go! But alas, we brought ourselves to leave... and here I am writing about the trip. :)

Well, I'll try to be better at updating this thing. I'm not sure I can promise that, but I'll try. It might take a bit of encouragement. ;)

1 comment:

erin said...

ah, it was beautiful wasn't it? thanks for such a fun, relaxing day and all that wonderful talk. i never realized we were so brilliant... it was a very good day,i have to agree.