Monday, May 19, 2008

So I think I figured out a way to help me relax in this whole job searching thing. My plan is to get up in the morning. Eventually make my way to the library. Spend a couple of hours there researching jobs and applying to 2 - 3 jobs per day. Then leave the library and be done with thinking about job stuff for the rest of the day. The idea behind this is to have my apartment be a place of rest, and not a place of stress and worry.

I'm going to try this out and hoping it works. I'm consumed with thinking about a job 24/7 (and I'm not joking)... I eat, sleep, breathe job stuff. And it's pretty much all I write about here. I'm not allowing myself to have fun in life. All my conversations revolve around the stress of finding a job. People (my parents, mainly) are figuring out to not ask about how it's going, because I might "snap" emotionally. It's terrible and I realize this... so yeah, I'm hoping this works.

Anyway, Denise and Andrew are wonderful people. They got me an early, early birthday present. A bowling ball and bowling shoes. :) I was SO happy when they gave it to me. See, we're on a bowling league for about another couple months, and they wanted me to have my own ball for this. I'm so excited. They did a good job picking out the ball... it's purple with sparkles. :) I'm also glad to have my own bowling shoes. I no longer have to wonder whose feet has been in the shoes that I'm wearing. I can't wait to test it out in league! I'm hope to continue with bowling after they leave.

Plans for tomorrow... library, interview with another temp agency (which probably won't come through because I bombed there skills test thing-y), and it's a friends birthday. I might be hanging out with them in the evening, but who knows.


erin said...

i like the plan. your apartment is your home, where you should be relaxing and resting and enjoying the mundane.

VanillaRose said...

thanks, I think it's working. :)