Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Costas - Greg is the Man!

Yes, two posts in one day... as I said in my last post, I'm sick, so I have a lot of free time.

Yes, I promised an update of costas. So friday night was UCF's end of the year celebration at Costas. The other thing that was being celebrated was it's Greg's 10 year anniversary with UCF. Angie, his wife, had emailed a bunch of former UCFers asking for some inspiring thought of Greg, and to invite us all to Costas... which was a big surprise to Greg. It was kind of funny. Ron was making a speech, and it started with, "so Greg is probably wondering why we're all here..." Greg's parents, Angie, Gianna, brother, and nephew all came... so yeah, this was quite the celebration.

The part that was so awesome was all the people that showed up. Some people that I haven't seen in over 2 years! The list of people: Ron, Dan Segars, Paul, David Knaggs, Matt Halpin (and his sister), Jen P, Dan Ahn, Jessica, Vimal, (a couple of newbies that I don't know), Barbra, Amber and Andrew, Chad and Megan, Jae, Matt Jones, Dan and Stacey, KC and Hilary, Casey and her husband, Becky and Sean, Levi, and Niko! I hope I'm not forgetting anyone... Anyway, it was so much fun seeing and getting reacquainted with everyone! I stayed at Costas until 11:30pm.

Another awesome thing was... Niko being our waiter, we got HUGE discounts on everything. We got free drinks. We got free flaming cheese (per table). We got free desert, and free coffee to go with that. Because Niko was lazy, he rounded our bills down to the nearest dollar. So when my bill was probably about 18 dollars, it ended up being 10 dollars. I heard somewhere he made about 100 dollars in tips.

It was so awesome. You all should be jealous of me. :)

1 comment:

Ashley Ronnell said...

I AM jealous! Really really really! Stop causing me to stumble!