Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I have a questions for my friends

I see a counselor, most of you know that. We were talking about abuse and I had asked the question, "is it common for people who are abused become guy/lesbian?" She said, "No, that's very rare. Studies show that people who are guy or lesbian were born that way." Studies? How can this be proven? It is my understanding that God created Man for Woman and Woman for Man. What do you all think this?


Ashley Ronnell said...

I believe that God created both man and woman to love Him and to love others. :-)

VanillaRose said...

Yes, yes I would agree with that. I was speaking in terms of a romantic relationship... though, thanks for setting me straight. ;)

Ashley Ronnell said...

Yes I knew what terms you were speaking in, and opinions on that are numerous. I for one, won't claim to speak for God on the matter, so I just try to remember that He tells us to love God and love others.

I can give you my personal place on the matter if you want... I am 100% accepting of GLBT folks. I think that Jesus might spend a lot of time loving rather than condemning the gay community if he were to come down to earth today.

VanillaRose said...

Oh yes, I'd agree with that too. Jesus loved/s everyone... the rich, the poor, prostitutes, lepers... I'm reading through Matthew right now.:)

Maybe the answer is there is no answer. Ug, that's so hard to accept. And there's the whole issue of pride. Ha.

Ashley Ronnell said...

No answer... Haha, I think that might be what I was trying to say in way too many words, apparently you have the gift of simplification and I do not.