Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Birthday Week

My birthday started last monday. Danielle had asked me to do pottery painting. She gave me a gift certificate for Paint the Town in the U-village last year for my birthday. Well it expired on my birthday this year, so she thought we should use it. Good idea. :)

Wednesday was my birthday. I got up and had a doctors appointment. What fun. I then headed to the mall for a pedicure. :) It was lovely... getting pampered for 45 mins. I then dinked around the mall for a couple hours until I had to pick up Matty at his school he was working at. From there we headed to Kenmore lanes and met up with Danielle and Jen P in hopes to play a couple games of bowling. We ended up only playing one game because we got there at 5pm and league started at 6:30pm. I was happy that Jen and Cam Patrick stopped by for a couple mins, so I could see them before they headed out for Austrilla the next day. After bowling, we all headed to Northgate mall and met up with others to have dinner at Red Robin. It was very yummy. :) Lastly, a couple of us headed back to my apt to play a game of Disney Scene It. So yes Denise, I used 2 of your birthday presents on my birthday. :)

Thursday, I headed home and did a small birthday celebration with my parents. Friday I went out to lunch with them, and then went out to dinner with my friends. Saturday, I hung out with my friend Nicole. We went out to lunch/dinner and hung out at her house.

Sunday, haha... I had my first princess party ever, at least that I could remember. It was awesome. I was sharing a birthday party with a 4 year old also named Becky, who is Jen P neice. I got a Cinderella balloon and an awesome princess, barbie cake... it's hard to explain... but it was awesome, and yummy.

There ends my birthday celebration. It was a good week. :)

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